2025 Rates
Session 1: ​$1,565
Session 2: $1,565
Week 9: $390
Transportation: $330 per session
JCA Membership: A membership will be required to register for Center Day Camp prior to the general public phase. The family membership, built into the camper application, will give you access to a number of different year round programs, as well as priority to CDC registration and our waitlist. The cost is $216 per family, or $120 for a single parent family.
Families are asked to secure their spot with a deposit of $150 per session, per camper, at registration.
The payment plan will be spread over 4 months with payments due February 15, March 15, April 15, and May 15. Deposits and payments will be non-refundable. As in prior years, all camp charges must be paid in full prior to the start of the camp session.
Financial Aid:
Camperships allow CDC to welcome a broad array of community members for whom participation might not otherwise be possible. We are committed to inclusive programming for all individuals and families who want to be a part of CDC.
The CDC Scholarship Committee offers financial assistance to families based on demonstrated need, as determined by analysis of the financial aid application. Please email cdc@mainejewish.org for more information.

Bus 1 - Falmouth American Legion 8-8:30 AM & 4:30-5 PM
Bus 2 - Portland JCA 8-8:30 AM & 4:30-5 PM
Bus 3 - 1: Scarborough High School 8-8:15 AM & 4:30-5 PM
Bus 3 - 2: Gorham Hannaford 8:15-8:30 AM & 4:15-4:30 PM

Counselor In Training
Quest Program
The Center Day Camp Quest Program is designed for rising 9th graders. It is a fun and structured program in which each participant strengthens their leadership and communication skills and deepens their level of camp responsibility over the course of the summer. They spend their day between traditional camp activities and working with younger age divisions. As part of the ongoing process, Quest's do some goal setting, observation, and reflection. They get to sit with peers and share their experiences with a variety of different staff members, including our camp counselors and Leadership staff. We work to create training opportunities geared specifically to individual interests, experiences, and developmental level. Our goal is to have all Quest's become counselors in future summers.